Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My mind was empty, My heart beat was fading, and my body was souless... As dusk sets in, my mind began to wonder off to heavenland. I was so lethargic that I couldnt tell the difference between immortality and death - as though I was living in the celestial world...
Everyone is smiling, I'm frowning... Why must I always do the opposite of what everyone does? I was puzzled, confused and clueless.
Today is one of the occasional nights when I sit down quietly and browse through my past memories.
When will merriment and jollity reign? When will I see a smile on my face again?
Lets hope that tomorrow will be a better day... But first, let my soul dissolve in this quiet and peaceful night... Let me enjoy the tranquility of the night to the fullest.
Auditing was over ( we did miraculously well ), let me have the time to relax..


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