Sunday, September 11, 2005

My pathetic weekend was spent in Padang. Nope, I was not complaining ( because its really a gd experience ) about doing medical covers over the weekend. The fact that my ( so near, yet so far ) theory pops out of my mind whenever I turned my eyes to the direction of Suntec City made me feel this way. You know what I meant, right?
Saturday: Spent the whole afternoon building BCS tentage and moving stores to our respective areas.
Sunday: Slept at 3am but was awoken by the loud and irritating music ( The World Cup 98 theme song ). Casualties started to come in at around 7am.
This was the first time I received so many casualties! I was working non-stop till 11am and saw all sorts of casualties. I'd got serious casualties with severe hyperventilation, I'd got casualties requiring only minor treatment and... there was one who came with nipple abrasion! Nipple abrasion? If you think that sounds interesting, the whole process of treating him was even more hilarious.
I disinfected his wound and put a plaster on his nipple. But his whole body was so hairy that the plaster wasnt able to stick onto his nipple. It was left dangling on his hair around his nipple. I pulled it off. He wasnt happy for what I did. After that, I made a suggestion to my friend. Why not put a gauze or melolin onto both his nipples and tie a crepe bandage around his chest. You know, army guys think dirty. Doesnt the latter treatment resemble a bra with padding? - for him?
Think only Drs and Medics will understand what I am talking about. Never mind, forget it.


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